On November 19, 2022, AAIA held its second Lions Speech and Debate Competition. The debate participants debated the topic: “Overseas diplomats should be held accountable to local laws” using the public forum debate style. In addition to the debate event, our program expanded this year by adding impromptu and persuasive speaking events as well! Congratulations to the following students for placing in the debate and speech events:
1st Place in Debate: G12 Belle Pan & G9 Richmond Lin
2nd Place in Debate: G10 Austin Lee & G8 Anca Li
3rd Place in Debate: G9 Moses Chen & G9 Ryan Hsiao; G10 Melody Lee & G10 Tammy Hsu
1st Place in Impromptu: Tiger Wu
2nd Place in Impromptu: Lucas Chang
3rd Place in Impromptu: Midori Wang
1st Place in Persuasive: Midori Wang
2nd Place in Persuasive: Daisy Tsai
Special thanks to Mr. Trojan and Mr. James for hosting the events, as well as Mr. Cravak, Dylan Pak, Peyton Tsai, Midori Wang, Chantel Shen, and Evelyn Tan for fulfilling various judges roles.”