After careful planning and with the help of our faculty, students, and parents, AAIA was able to host the 2021 graduation ceremony on Saturday, July 31st. The ceremony was live-streamed so that many could join us virtually. As our students said, COVID19 may take away our graduation trip, winter dance, last b-ball games, and many more; however, it will not take away the memories that we have created together in this caring community. Farewell, 2021 graduates. AAIA is so proud of what you have accomplished and wishes you the best as all of your bloom all over the world. Stay safe and stay in touch!
感謝AAIA應屆畢業生、家長及老師的鼎力相助,AAIA 2021畢業典禮於7月31號禮拜六圓滿落幕。恪守政府規定,典禮採用分流制,並且線上直播,讓不克參加的全校師生能夠透過遠端加入這個充滿歡笑與淚水的節日。如同我們畢業生所說,雖然疫情迫使許多活動被取消,但卻奪不走這些年來我們一同在AAIA大家庭所創造的回憶。珍重再見了,2021畢業生。AAIA為你們感到無比驕傲,也祝福將來你們在世界各地發光、發熱。遠赴國外唸書的你們要記得安全第一,AAIA永遠在這裡等你們返校團聚。